Thursday, January 7, 2010

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

I'm sick of people bitching and moaning about their life.

If you aren't happy with it change it! It's as simple as that!

People always make excuses for not making the change to their life that they are complaining about.

For example
"I'll do it when I'm ready", what they really are saying "I'm just too lazy to change my life"
"It's just too hard", what they are really saying "I just can't be bothered"

It just shits me. And I'm determined not to be one of those people


  1. Wish there was a like function on blogspot. I know a friend who could definitely do with reading this post... it would apply to him so well.

    Well said!

  2. I know what you mean. Too many people live under the 'woe is me' banner. Be proactive, rather than wasting the energy on whinging.
